Needs Assessment
The CFBHN Board of Directors is responsible for establishing the strategic direction of the organization which is then executed by the leadership of CFBHN. While the major goals of the plan are established for five years, the plan is a living document that is reviewed quarterly by the Board and action steps are modified as necessary to support the strategic goals. The CFBHN Board also established an Ad Hoc Committee that includes Board members, Network Service Providers (NSP’s) and other interested stakeholders to recommend priorities for Board consideration. Recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee are then reviewed and approved by the Board. When executed by the CFBHN Leadership team, these Strategic Plan recommendations pinpoint service priorities throughout the region and inform decision making.

Children with serious mental health issues
IV drug users/ opioid
Parents and caregivers involved with child welfare
Parents putting children at risk as a result of mental illness or substance use
Persons living with co-occurring disorders
Persons living with serious and persistent mental illness
Pregnant women and women with children
Those individuals participating in the high need/high utilization program
Young adults
Hope: People living with mental illness, substance use, and co-occurring disorders can and do recover and have the opportunity to live meaningful lives.

Objective A
Coordinate, develop and manage a quality model of care that addresses the needs of individuals, families and circuits as part of the larger system of care
Objective B
Based on defined care models, assess the current circuit based Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC)
Objective C
Map, when possible, funding from identified behavioral health partners (CBC, DOC/DJJ/DOH/LEO/COUNTY/MEDICAID etc.)
Objective D
Continually assess the performance of provider partners

Assure operational integrity and sustainability of CFBHN
Objective A
Renew DCF managing entity contract in 2020
Objective B
Identify / develop opportunities to diversify available funding streams that ensures operational integrity of CFBHN
Objective C
Align with and leverage opportunities with managing entities related to administrative costs , access to care, engagement from acute care, recidivism/readmissions, access to treatment, length of stay, least restrictive care, provider performance, consumer engagement
Objective D
Maintain CARF Accreditation
Objective E
Ensure organizational structure / supports strategic goals
Objective F
Promote a Board of Directors with knowledge in behavioral health and CFBHN