Recovery Introduction

Recovery Oriented System of Care:

A value-driven framework to guide transformation of a behavioral health system of care. The framework structures behavioral health systems to involve a network of clinical, nonclinical services, and supports that sustain long-term recovery.

Recovery Management:

A philosophical framework for organizing treatment services to provide pre-recovery identification and engagement, recovery initiation and stabilization, long-term recovery maintenance, and quality-of-life enhancement for individuals and families affected by behavioral health disorders. (White, William. 2008)
Central Florida Behavioral Health Network (CFBHN) believes that recovery is possible for individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders. The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines recovery as “a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential”.

If you, your family and/or friends are seeking recovery, please click here for resources that may assist you in finding support. 
If you are a Central Florida Behavioral Health Network Service Provider staff member or a Recovery Peer Specialist in the certification process, please click here for resources that may assist you and your community in a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) transformation, and offer Recovery Management best practices, principles, and training opportunities.
